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Support Antigua and Barbuda’s Wadadli Pen 2024: Submissions enter the judging phase!

February 27, 2024


Wadadli Pen still seeking contributions as submissions enter the judging phase!

The Wadadli Pen Challenge 2024 has closed for submissions with 88 eligible entries, and is now into the judging phase. Meantime, we, the organizers, continue to gather gifts for our writers, and encourage people and businesses to support the Challenge and other initiatives of literary arts non-profit Wadadli Pen Inc. with money, gifts, and/or time.

We thank those who have already committed: returning patrons the Frank B. Armstrong, E. M. Grimes-Graeme, Moondancer Books and Floree Williams Whyte, Best of Books bookstore, Harper Collins, Pam Arthurton and Carib-World Travel, the Cultural Development Division, Hazra Medica, Joy James, Papillote Press, Patricia Tully, Rilys Adams, Joanne C. Hillhouse, Dianne’s Brokerage Services; and new patrons – Zoë Teague, Zavian Archibald, and Dotsie Isaac.

Holding space as well for our patrons who prefer to remain anonymous. Shout out, also, to all the media and schools which hosted and helped boost us through what has already been a very active season.

At 20 years old in 2024, Wadadli Pen has already offered this year two writing workshops – one for last year’s finalists, one for anyone hoping to submit. It will be offering two more – for those still in contention – once the long list has been decided and announced, before the final round of judging. This is in keeping with its mission to nurture and showcase the literary arts in Antigua and Barbuda.

The showcasing part will come when the winners are announced. We want to do it big and have even bigger things planned; so don’t forget to give. Finally, if you’ve trusted Wadadli Pen with your stories, poems, or other writing; stay tuned.

See the latest update https://wadadlipen.wordpress.com/2024/02/18/third-wadadli-pen-2024-update and About Wadadli Pen https://wadadlipen.wordpress.com for more.

Support Antigua and Barbuda’s Wadadli Pen 2024: Submissions enter the judging phase!

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Support Antigua and Barbuda’s Wadadli Pen 2024: Submissions enter the judging phase!

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  1. […] ETA: It ran in Free Press 268… […]

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