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J.Truth TheEngineer: A Social Justice Advocate in Antigua and Barbuda

Ameen Dias, better known as J.Truth TheEngineer, is an engineer and social justice advocate in Antigua and Barbuda who has gained popularity and influence Online.

He uses his Facebook page, J.truth TheEngineer, to share his views and insights on various issues affecting Antigua & Barbuda and the Caribbean region.

His live streams and video blogs cover a wide range of topics, such as politics, corruption, crime, health, education, and culture. He engages with his followers and encourages them to voice their opinions and concerns. He also uses humour and sarcasm to make his points and entertain his audience.

His page has amassed over 29,000 followers, who support his vision and mission. They admire his courage and honesty in speaking the truth and exposing the problems and challenges in society. He is not afraid to confront the authorities and other public figures who he believes are responsible for the injustices and inequalities in Antigua and Barbuda.

However, his outspokenness and activism have also attracted criticism and opposition from some quarters. He has faced legal troubles and threats for allegedly making false statements about the COVID-19 pandemic and the government’s response in 2020. He was also threatened by a man who claimed to be a supporter of Prime Minister Gaston Browne in 2021.

Despite these difficulties, he has remained steadfast and resilient in pursuing his goals and ideals. He has also shown his compassion and generosity by helping those in need.

He has also organized various charitable initiatives, such as a toy drive for children in need during the Christmas season in 2020 and back to school drives and fan drives over the years including September 2023.

J.Truth TheEngineer – Mother’s Day 2023

In 2020, he revealed that his mother was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and appealed for assistance from his fans and the public. Sadly, she passed away on August 4, 2022.

JTruth TheEngineer is an independent freelancer who is skilled, focused and filled with potential. He is an engineer by profession, but also a social justice advocate by passion and commitment.

J.Truth continues to shine the torch of wisdom and freedom of one’s mind.

J.Truth TheEngineer: A Social Justice Advocate in Antigua and Barbuda

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